Friday, September 19, 2008


Thank god today is over. It has been a very hard day its the first day back at work since i got sick on tuesday and i can tell ya im knackered.

I was gonna go visit dad after work but im just to tired and tomorrow im picking him up after weight watchers and we are going to get some little nit knacks from his house and take them to his room at willard home.
He is really enjoying it there hes got lots of people to talk to so he wont be alone any more this is good :-)

I have my nephew staying this weekend hes a bundle of beans so Neil had better look after him cause im gonna have me hands full with dad.

And today at 9.25 my neice Kaylynn had a little boy :-) great aunty sandra ohh that sounds old i will have to pop over to feilding and see her in the weekend

Ive got a big 40th party tomorrow so im gonna let me hair down and have some fun cause god nows ive not had much of that lately

so untill later chow........

Well i lost 500gms im pleased with that didnt want to put on as i havent eaten and i allways put on when i dont eat so next week it will be a good week as im feelin better and went to power plate for the first time this week :-)

I took my nephew Jamie totally buggered him out i bet his mums gonna be impresssed with that hes bet me to bed lol

whos the old fart now eh hahaha
nite nite

1 comment:

Chris H said...

Well I'm glad to hear your Dad is doing a bit better, and you are back at work. Have a bloody neat weekend/party... I'm thinking of ya.