Saturday, September 20, 2008


Weight watchers went well this morning im now taking 2 meetings so its up at 6.30 to be set up by 8am for the first meeting which went well then at 9.30 for the second meeting. My friend Chris D arrived today back from England it was so good to see her and she had fotos of all the foods available for weightwatchers members over there i think im gonna move cause they had some amazing stuff

Then over to Willard home and pick Dad up its gonna be hard we going thru his place and chucking out what he dont want

We found mums death certificate brought me to tears as i hadnt seen it before was something i couldnt look at before so ive had an extremelly emotional day.

Then when dad had had enough we went to the warehouse his favourite shop now hes happy got some more dvds (like he needs anymore hes only got about 600 at his house) and a laundry basket for his room then back to willard home just in time for his tea

so now im gonna go and get ready for the party and gonna go have some of that fun im been telling yous about

till tomorrow nite nite

1 comment:

Chris H said...

I too saw the photos Chris D brought back...makes you wonder why we don't get all that stuff here eh? Hope you have fun this weekend.