Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Well seems hes buggered off to Welington for work so im all on me lonesome with me lovely dog Max so i can get up to allsorts cant I.
But im gonna be good so im gonna do the washing (again), get things ready for tomorrow nite im taking the wed nite meetings for 2 weeks while judes away, do some book work then go to bed and have noone keep me awake with there snoring lol.

CHRIS: yip im gonna talk about the gils if you miss us (which you better) you can always do a steve and come for the nite lol.

I had me nails done today yeah so now they are lovely i got the playboy bunny on 2 of me fingers so IM TRENDY lol

well i got lots to do so Chow for now nite nite

1 comment:

Chris H said...

HA! There is no way I'm coming down for one night! Tis too far.... playboy nails, now that's something to see!