Saturday, January 3, 2009


Yip yea read it right.
On my first offical visit to visit my brand new grandson and what does Nana do She forgets the goddam CAMERA.

So out comes my phone and i got 2 photos of my dad holding Brock just as well his parents remembered there camera so i am gonna make sure that i take the camera tomorrow causes hes just so cute he looks just like his dad when he was born.

Geoffreys doing a good job he was up at 3am this morning doing the VACUMING that kid has never vacumed but give the guy a kid and all of a sudden he becomes domiscated, so now to get him to do the washing,dishes,dusting,making the beds,ironing,cleaning the toilets,and just making sure everything is clean then Jillian could have a break thet would be wishfull thinking eh
Hes changed his first shitty nappie and yip he ran for the nurse it was so funny lets hope he doesnt forget how to change them lol
Well we going out tonight i need a bit of destressing

Friday, January 2, 2009


At 4.21pm Brock John Crawley was born.
weighin in at 8lb 14 oz.
He was born with the cord around his neck and was blue Geoffrey ran me and it sounded like world war 3 going on, there were people screaming Geoffrey was crying and i couldnt make out what was going on all i got was hes blue mum get here fast
SO 125km hr and it takes me 5 mins to get there.
I was rushed into the delivery suite where there were more docs than nurses and Brocks was completly white i thout he was dead it gave me a hell of a fright geoffreys a mess Jillians a mess her mums crying and so am i.
I take over the oxygen that is being blownin into brocks face and geoffreys goes to Jillian to help her get the placenta out what a good dam nightmare.
The peadritrican doesnt like his color so they wisk him away thats just what they did to me when geoffrey was born his heart stoped so it was whoa i dont like this to firmular for me liking.
Geoffrey went with brock and i stayed with Jilllian then she asked if i could check on brock so i was taken to neonates
His color was better and they were putting drips into his tiny little hand, the poor little mite hes so tiny his head is bruised like you wouldnt believe so thy give him panadol cause hes got a little headache.

At 6pm i went and saw dad he started crying and wanted to go up hospital so i had to tell him the prob with brock and he goes and has a goddam asthma attack on me man i dont need anymore dramas so we get him on the nebuliser and now hes ok

well TRY and get some photos for you all to see my lovely little man


MEN you gotta hate them sometimes.

Geoffrey just rang and after 36 hrs of no sleep Jillians a bit buggered NO SHIT SHERLOCK shes in the throws of full on child birth and bugger me if hes moaning about the fact that she wants DRUGS. Shes screaming no FRIGGEN wonder, shes trying to get a 9lb baby out and it FRIGGEN hurts.

Man im gonna give that boy of mine a stern telling off when this is finallly over.
The poor woman has been at it for 7hrs and is now only 3cm dialated its gonna be a long day I wish there was something i could do but there aint so i just gotta wait so im gonna read me book.

Ive just had a heated discussion with Neil and he reckons us woman are wimps he reckons he could handle it HES a BIG STRONG MAN and can handle more than us mere woman (sexist pig)

So i informed him that i would drag his balls up thru his mouth and see how long inbetween screams before he demands the drugs.

Hes now out side drinking his diet coke contemplating his future without his balls lol

Thursday, January 1, 2009


well that little bugger is in no hurry to get out and into this world i can tell ya.

waters broke last night pain started then stopped then started then stopped then no one gets any sleep and this morning 1cm dialated and the little bugger has gone and plugged up the tear in his sac so his little head is dry and his bum is wet so Jillian is now being induced so watch this space eh