Monday, October 5, 2009

Photos as promised

As promised yesterday and with a lot of help from Chris here are me photos :-)

The Rain turned to snow in the blinking of an eye it was impressive i can tell ya

And then it got yucky FRIGGEN COLD yucky

Then the Calvery turned up :-) at this stage i was thinking Shit i dont think im getting home tonight.
Then i was worried bout me mate Milli you saw his big rigg on chris's blog as he was going to Napier so i txted him to tell him that we had just been told the other bus was stranded in Taupo and the highway between Napier and Taupo was now closed i knew he was going that way and didnt want him stranded as well.
He was real greatfull he changed a few things around as he knew Napier was out and he had to go via New Plymoth to get to Otaki.
Heres our bus just before the snow got really bad people were actually outside chucking snowballs lol

Well on with me day its still cold and i got housework that wont do itself so on with it I suppose


Chris H said...

OK, now go to the bottom of this post ... click then hold your finger on the shift button and push 'backspace' to take the horrendous amount of blank space away! Keep hitting backspace till you get back to the words then STOP.

Chris H said...

well done on fixing the 'gap'!