Friday, April 2, 2010

MY Hearts not good folks

Well I woke up on Wednesday feeling really flat I had no energy at all took all my energy to drag my sorry arse out of bed to get ready for work.

Had no energy at work and My workmate was getting worried as I just wasnt myself

Then at 7pm I started getting a tightening in my chest.

I thout to meself thats not good then I started getting a pain in my shoulder at this stage I thout I better get an amblance but thout nah i'll go home and see Neil

On my way home I started feeling a pulse in me chin and knew i was in deep doggy doo doo here

I got home and Neil started complaining bout things and I thout ah crap and went and sat down.

went to bed and thout if i'm not feeling better tomorrow i'll go to the doc.

So thursday morning I get up feeling just as bad as yesterday so rang the doc but he not there so i think well maybe I'll go to the
emergency doc so thats what i was going to do but then my dughter in law rang so was going to the doc and asked if i was all right so I told her me prob she was round in a jiffy and took me to her doc who did an ecg then put me in an ambo and sent me to hosp.

So ive been jabed ecged bped and temped all day and night i got more drugs than the chemist.

My bp was 180/80 no wonder doc was panicing

So now im home and me bp is back to semi normal i have to have a heart scan and go see a cardiologist now that'll be fun

And just to show ya I havent lost me fighting spirit i got into a heated discussion with the doc.
He wants to put me on cholestrol tabs but since my cholestrol is dam near perfect i wasnt gonna take them seems everyone with a heart condition has to take them as a precaussion so if i take them when me cholestrol is so dam good what the hell they goona do for me eh ?

Well i'm home now and i still have no energy so i think i'm gonna have a nana nap

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Neil your in deep doggy doo doo (in the shit)

Well Neil must think i dont go thru the camera cause look what I found in the photo files PPPPPPPissed I am.

He knows no ones allowed to mess with me bears so whats he gone and done letting Brock into there room.
Now dont get me wrong I love Brock more than anyhting but ya DONT MESS WITH ME BEARS :-(

I new someone had been in with them was not happy and Neil knows not to mess with them he just told me to get over it Brock loved it in there.

Well thats the first and last time hes gonna visit them I can tell ya.

Nana not happy

So how do you keep an active 14mth old busy well ya dont put him in with me bears thats for sure ya put on Thomas the Tank engine lol
Kept him and granddad busy for ages so nana could get things done.

Also keeps Poppa busy lol

And little Ella just sleeps thru it lol

And sleeps................

So its back to normal kids have gone home bears are fixed up and now after work I get me Nails done.
Took ages but it was her first set so shes got room for improvement not that she needs to improve much just needs to get faster at it but that will come with practice.

Well im gonna go yell at vodafone they stuffed up our account and havent fixed it I better not get another non english speaking person again that will really set me off
catch ya later

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Well after 6 whole months I'm finally getting my nails done again.
My friend Peggy-sue is learning to be a nail tech so I gladly offered to be a guinea pig lol i will post photos 2moro along with the photos of the kids.

well shopping with dad was interesting i got a new chopping gadget so i made stirfry veges for the guys for tea 2nite.

The kids slept all nite so that was good it's strange having babies sleepin over but im pleased they let me sleep.

I'm looking forward to Chris comin to stay in May will be so good to catch up again :-)

well i better go its real hard to type 1 handed while the other hand is getting nice new nails lol

Friday, March 26, 2010


Well I had forgotten just how tough it is to have 2 babies to look after NO wait a minute I never had 2 babies at once I was so much more cleaverer than that LOL I waited untill Geoffrey was 3 before we had another one LOL

But in saying that I had a ball even Dad behaved himself

I got some photos I will put them up tomorrow.

We got the kids still here they are going to stay the night so lets hope they sleep all night eh

Neils real good with them he gets up in the middle of the night if they wake up.

He said he regrets not doing that when our kids were little.

Thats great but I needed the help then not now lol

Well im gona go get some sleep they will be awake soon for feeding,changing and putting back to bed

I've cleaned up all the toys done the washing, dishes now I need sleep before tomorrow I need me strenght I'm taking dad up town oh joy LOL

Nite nite

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I'm Backkkkkkkkk LOL

Well I guess you all thout that i had forgotten ya all eh well I've just been real busy.

Dad keeps me busy 2 days a week and I now have Brock and Ella every Friday and I got a new job so I'm gonna do my best to keep ya all informed on me day hope I dont get to boring LOL.

So me new job I know you just dying to know what I do now.
Well you know those annoying people who ring you at teatime to talk to you about your Insurances YIP thats me so dont get mad at the next one who calls ya it could very well be me lol

Dads doing better but hes now got diabeties so every day i go and take him out i got do his bloods and at tea time i gotta give him a jab so im starting to feel like a real nurse lol

Tomorrow when i get the kids i will take some photos and show ya
the 2 cutiest kids ever :-)

so untill then nite nite