I got such a suprise to see that people have read my blog and asked me a few questions so i will do my best to answer them.
well thats a long story they did have there own room but that got to small and they started migrating around the house so i got the hard word and they all moved into the lounge as we use the family room hubby didnt mind them in there as it ment we then had a spare room, so off i went and moved all the furniture out and my bears in. No one is allowed in there, people just have to look thru the doors :-) i get very ancious if people touch them just ask Chris she will tell you im completly mad. If i see one i just have to buy them im not allowed to browse thru trademe anymore i found this really big one in Auckland and got one of my regular customers who ive become friends with to bring it down in his truck he thinks i am totally wacked eh was so embarrased he made his girlfriend carry it into the shop lol. well i could go on for ages about me bears but you would get bored so on to the next one
after losing 44.2 kgs i became a weightwatchers leader.
I wanted to give back what i had recieved as losing weight we all know is relly hard.
I have had quite a few health scares as I got older things started breaking down. the upshot of it was i needed treastment that i wouldnt take as the side effects were weight gain as having lost it i didnt want it back so a fight ensued between the surgeon and me so i WON they wouldnt give me the drugs that would make me fat as long as i had a mirena put in as it would stop all the hemoraging and pain (that would stop me in my tracks when it hit every 2 weeks). I wanted a hystroectomy they said i was too young go figure my baby was 22 do you think i was going to go back there i dont think so. So in the Mirena went the mongrel didnt tell me that the biggest side effect was rapid weight gain did he no he lied so i went to a private surgeon who removed the nasty thing as then i had my hystroectomy Yeah no more periods no more pain best thing i ever did so now my weight is slowing going down and weight watchers is once again helping me so its off to leaders meeting tonight i got my weigh in so i will let you all know how i got on mwan i hope its not a gain on that would suck on me first reporting to you all eh.
i will try to put on my fat photo up but will prob need Chris's help with that one eh warning if you tell anyone you saw it i will have to kill you all its not a good foto haha just joking did i mention that i was quite mad
4 hours ago
Well done on your first ALL ON YA OWN post!!! You seem to have got the hang of it.. and I will be only to happy to help you with the photo! See you tomorrow at M/tea?
Came over from Chris's blog. Nice to meet you and read your new blog. Very good stuff and the writing is nice.
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