Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I got a fone call this morning at 5.30 from my sister Erica dad was taken to hospital at 3am my brother and her thout they would let me sleep as dad has had me running around for him over the last few days and they both new i wasnt coping.

So up i went at 8.30 he was having heart trouble and his breathing wasnt the best, his ankles are now swelling so his kidneys are failing again he keeps bugging me bout Brock wants to see him before he goes.

The specialist Dr Holst (Yip thats right Alisons daughter) shes really nice and concerned bout dad she thinks that maybe we look at putting dad into a hospital wing in a rest home as he needs more care than the home can give him he was concerned about where we are going to put him as he really likes the home that hes in so he said he would only go into Combrae in feilding so we have to have family meeting and see his social worker that is if he survives this episode.

well the rain has stopped and the sun is now shining so i better go and do the dishes

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